home instructions FAQs contact us
Home Instructions FAQs Contact Us March 6, 2025


Standard Orders
Variable Print/Custom Orders


  1. Start by choosing your product(s) from the items listed in the initial category.
  2. If the item(s) you are looking for is not in the initial category, then select an alternative category from the menu on the left.
  3. Once you find the item/category, add the quantity of each product you want to order and click the “Add Items to Order” button. *Please note quantities and order by the Unit of Issue listed next to the price. IE: Case/1000, order quantity of “1” = 1 Case of 1000.
  4. Once you get to the Shopping Cart screen you will have three options, “Continue Shopping”, “Delete Order”, or “Checkout”.
  5. Once you “Checkout” you will then be prompted to enter your Shipping information and Order Comments.
  6. Use the drop down menu to select your ship to “location” before you manually type it in. This allows us to provide accurate reports to all of our customers.
  7. Click “Update Shipping Information” to proceed to the next step.
  8. Chose your Billing Method (If applicable)
  9. Then populate your Billing Information (PO Number or CC Information).
  10. You will then come to the Order Review screen, which is your last chance to add items, delete items, or modify any data on your order before it is submitted.
  11. The final step is to “Complete Order” which will give you an Order Number and send you an order acknowledgment (if applicable).


  1. Start by choosing your product from the items listed in the initial category.
  2. If the item(s) you are looking for is not in the initial category, then select an alternative category from the menu on the left.
  3. Once you find the item/category, add the quantity of each product you want to order and click the “Customize” button. *Please note quantities and order by the Unit of Issue listed next to the price. IE: Case/1000, order quantity of “1” = 1 Case of 1000.
  4. Search for your Profile in the Exiting Entries or set up a new profile. Once you are set up for a particular item you will never have to set yourself up again.
  5. You will now be able to modify or set up your Profile Information (Address, Phone, Email, etc.)
  6. Click the “Save and Proof” button at the bottom of the page.
  7. A PDF will appear in the right window for you to proof. Please make sure all information is accurate. You are responsible for any typographical errors.
  8. Then click the “Approve” button when you are ready to checkout.
  9. Once you get to the Shopping Cart screen you will have three options, “Continue Shopping”, “Delete Order”, or “Checkout”.
  10. Once you “Checkout” you will then be prompted to enter your Shipping information and Order Comments.
  11. Use the drop down menu to select your ship to “location” before you manually type it in. This allows us to provide accurate reports to all of our customers.
  12. Click “Update Shipping Information” to proceed to the next step.
  13. Chose your Billing Method (If applicable)
  14. Then populate your Billing Information (PO Number or CC Information).
  15. You will then come to the Order Review screen which is your last chance to add items, delete items, or modify any data on your order before it is submitted.
  16. The final step is to “Complete Order” which will give you an Order Number and send you an order acknowledgment (if applicable).